Monday, October 19, 2009

Cider Beer Brew Day

After the Vikings game yesterday (go Vikes 6-0!) I brewed a batch of cider beer. This is my first attempt at a cider beer so I am really looking forward to how it turns out. I enjoy cider beers in the fall, especially now that apples are in season and the cider is fresh. Most ciders that I have had are sweet, light bodied, and finish somewhat dry. I want to make a cider that was more like drinking a beer in that it was light-medium bodied with a sweeter finish. In essence, I want to try making a cider that tastes like caramel apple pie. Here is the recipe that I tried:

4 gallons of fresh pressed cider
1 gallon of water
1 lb Light Malt Extract
1 lb Amber Malt Extract
8 oz Caramel 60 Malt
4 oz Flaked Oats
1 oz Torrified Wheat
8 oz Fuggle Hops
Wyeast Apple Cider Yeast

I also plan on adding some cinnamon sticks during the secondary fermentation process. I was thinking I would add between 2-5 sticks, but I don't want it to be overpowered with cinnamon. either. Original Gravity was 1.060, so depending on how well it ferments it will finish around 5.5%-6.5% alcohol by volume. Most cider recipes call for extended fermentation over several months, but I intend on letting it ferment for less than one month. I also don't want to wait several months to give this a try!

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